
Monday, February 23, 2004

Darth Nader take on the black-robed one 

I think this is very good news and Nader may be doing a huge service to the Dems if he sticks with his line today.

I'd go after Bush even more vigorously as we are in the next few months in ways that the Democrats can't possibly do because they're too cautious and too unimaginative, but they can pick up the vulnerabilities and the failures of the Bush administration that we point out," Nader said Monday on ABC's "Good Morning America."

Only, there is this: Nader acknowledged the pledge but said it does not mean he will refrain from criticizing Democrats if they attack him. "I'm not going to avoid responding," he said.

So does that mean, leave me alone, let me do my thing, and I won't go after you? Or will he initiate attacks on Kerry and Edwards? As I said previously, that's the key question on this whole thing.

What's funny is Nader acts like Kucinich isn't even there as a voice of the most progressive of us. Poor Denis; no respect I tell ya.

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