
Thursday, February 19, 2004

This flash by Eric Blumrich is very strong. emotional piece. One problem: it's all Iraqi's. Yes, war is terrible and destructive, but Americans in general won't be upset with seeing "them" die -- of course, transfer tubes and daily counts just don't have as much effect as pictures of our men and women.

The flash is made for Kucinich's campaign and asks "do you feel more secure?" then goes on to tell us most Americans do not and only he has a plan to get our people out of harms way. Why, then, isn't it pictures of our people with no limbs and bloodied in the animation? Kucinich will never do well because he doesn't present his ideas/policies sharply enough, with as much clarity as the others, and besides, he's pretty damn ugly -- the TV doesn't like him and he doesn't have the war hero or the millionaire wife stories to give him a little intrigue.

I hope he stays in -- keep raising issues, talking policies, because when he stops, the GOP shit thrower will start hurling and all policy discussions are buried. Dean got out too early for my money for the same reason. Keep the focus on Bush and the positive progressive policies; let the other side sweat it out until after the caucus.

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